This education-packed session on July 13, 2016 shared trends in the analytics project management industry. This presentation provided key analytics project insights needed to manage analytics programs when you need to show business results for your big data program.
This talk covered:
• 3 Myths of Analytics Projects
• 3 Mistakes Managing Analytic Projects, and
• Understanding of Project Health Check Approaches
Analytics projects are filled with lots of new words. Rosemary shared key definitions to help you sort through the acronym soup which technical personnel may be using.
Next, this session looked at why this is really beginning to be an Analytics-everywhere world. We want to see how the trends apply to the project management space.
Most importantly, we shared how there are a lot of myths out there. This really isn’t anyone’s fault. It is because no one is looking at this from a project management perspective. There is a lot of information on how to implement tools yet that doesn’t get teams to innovation. There is a lot of content on specific techniques yet without linkage on how to link to a strategic outcome. So due to the lack of a standard approach to analytics projects, there is a high failure rate.
Rosemary shared an analytics life cycle that will improve project outcomes. She also provides a framework to look at projects to see how to move your teams into innovation and growth outcomes!
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Email me if your team has questions on Analytics projects.
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